In the year 1994, the Ponniamman Education Trust was founded for the purpose of imparting technical education with special focus on the underprivileged sections of society. With the economy opening up to global competition, the demand for highly qualified and trained engineering, management and computer graduates is on the rise. The Trust founded Thangavelu Engineering College and Thangavelu College of Science and Management with the objective of turning out prospective executives in technical and management comparable with the best in the country.The trust is also engaged in philanthropic activity, offering scholarships to the needy and deserving students every year and also uplifts physically handicapped students by giving them all possible assistance.
The TJ Educational Trust was founded in 2001 with the aim of establishing institutions of global standards in various branches of Engineering and Technology and also Management and Computer Applications.
There has been a clamour from the industry, for centres of learning that impart the latest developments in the fields of Science and Technology.
On the other hand, students and parents have also actively felt the need for institutions that cater to their requirement of preparing them to assume responsible positions in large and well-kown organisations. Till recent times, it was believed that such education was beyond the reach of the common man and was the sole preserve of the privileged few.
The TJ Educational Trust has taken into account these strongly felt needs and has established colleges that endeavour to satisfy these demands. The Colleges floated by the Trust encompass the latest technologies and also include the requisite facilities for students to acquire the current developmental trends.
The trust runs two colleges, namely